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As it appears from the table, there are several differences between the products. The far most noteworthy is the price. HTC Vive VR is the most expensive model, but it does however come with a few extra features. The built-in-camera implements augmented reality vision in order to provide security to the user in the way that it casts a blue contour to walls and objects if you get too close. You can get some of the same features with Oculus Rift as you have with HTC Vive, such as 360 degree tracking and a camera, but then you are obliged to buy additional sensors.

Playstation VR needs to be used together with PlayStation 4 and is somewhat cheaper than Vive and Rift, but has not come as far as its competitors. The 360 degree tracking is allegedly of much worse quality than Vive, there is no built-in-camera and the display resolution per eye is also lower the other headsets. Gear VR and Google Cardboard are much more affordable for regular people. They differ to the other in the way that they are compatible with smartphones, and not a PC or gaming device. In addition to this - they are wireless! This is more convenient than having wires around, and it also makes the device more lightweight. The refresh rate on Gear VR, and possibly Google Cardboard, is however something that makes the model(s) more undesirable since the rate too low for a good VR experience.

As discussed, there are several differences between the products, and in general - the more you pay, the more you get. All the products have a field of view of at least 100 degree, but the refresh rate and additional features separates them. Even though you get a better VR experience with the more expensive products, there is a question of who really want to pay the price for it. In the survey, only 3% of the people answered that they were willing to pay more than 250 euro for a VR headset.


In the same survey, the people were asked whether they had tried VR headsets or not and if they were interested in buying it in the future. About 1/3 of the people who hadn’t tried the product, still found it interesting and were interested in buying it in the future. On the other hand, of the people who had tried the product, more than half the people were not interested in buying the product. Only 4% of the people who were asked said that they owned a headset. The results are displayed in the figure below. This shows that the producers still have a long way to go before VR headsets are something that people both can afford and want to buy. 

Products and Prices

Results from survey: Percentage of people who tried VR and whether they are interested in buying the product 

Five different VR headsets that are currently big on the market [7][8][9][10][11] 

There are many different types of VR headsets on the market these days, however there are some that stands out and are currently concurring a big part of the market. You have the VR head- sets that are compatible with a PC, the ones that are compatible with gaming consoles and the ones that are compatible with applications on smartphones. The products vary in both price and quality, where you can get a simple cardboard headset for $15, or a high quality headset for up to $899. In the figure below, five different types of VR headsets are shown. They are some of the hottest on the market these days, and this section will be focusing on them. 

Gear VR is developed by Samsung in collaboration with Oculus, while Oculus Rift is developed and manufactured by Oculus, which is now owned by Facebook. The cardboard headset from Google sticks out in figure above, since the material is completely different, and it looks much cheaper than the others. Other than this, it is not so easy to spot the differences between the headsets. In the table below, a comparison between the different headsets is displayed. 

Comparison of different VR headsets [12]

[7],     [8],    [9],     [10],      [11],      [12];   all accessed 14.11.2016 

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